Affordable Housing & Housing Support in Anderson Valley

Housing Perspectives

AVHA Appeal - 2020

Dear Friends of Anderson Valley Housing,

The AV Housing Association, like everyone, everywhere these days, is in a coronavirus pickle. We know that, in addition to the health peril, everyone’s finances are taking it on the chin as well, but we’re writing to ask that if you are in a position to help, to please consider making a springtime contribution to the AVHA maintenance fund.

We provide low-income family housing (at the Boonville Apartments on Highway 128) and single farm worker housing (at Las Viviendas on Rays Road), for a total of 42 people, and we have several urgent maintenance issues that need to be addressed this year.  In normal times we’re able to raise $18,000 or so of the money required to maintain these homes by participating in annual fundraisers like the Beer Fest and the Pinot Fest. These essential fundraisers have been cancelled this year, due to the world-wide COVID-19 crisis, but when water heaters break, they still need to be replaced ($600), and when roofs ($10,000+), electrical wiring ($10,000+), and septic systems ($50,000+) require upkeep, the work still needs to be done promptly to keep our tenants housed in safe and healthy conditions, fundraisers or no. 

Asking for contributions to a septic maintenance fund may not be the sexiest of appeals, but we’re asking all the same. We want to keep our properties fire-and-microbe safe, for the good of the community as well as for the health and safety of our tenants.

Many thanks for considering our request. If you want to make a contribution, you can send us a check, or click on the GIVE link on our website ( to donate via PayPal.

Thank you! We hope you remain safe and healthy during these complicated times.

All the best,

Kathy Cox, Chloe Gans-Rugebregt, Matt Elke, Stephanie Gold,

Rebecca Goldie, Captain Rainbow, and Jody Williams

The Anderson Valley Housing Association Board of Directors

Marco Alvarez