Affordable Housing & Housing Support in Anderson Valley

Housing Perspectives

Boonville Apartments Generator project

The Community Foundation of Mendocino County awarded a Resiliency and Preparedness Grant to the Anderson Valley Housing Association (AVHA) on April 2021 for a generator that would enable the Boonville Apartments to maintain access to its well water during power outages. The AVHA thanks the Community Foundation of Mendocino County for their generous grant, which will allow for water and resiliency when times get hard, and greater peace of mind.

The AVHA planned to provide power to the water pump at the Boonville Apartments since the major power outage of 2019, which left Boonville without power for more than a week. Because the water tank is level with the apartments, water couldn’t be supplied to the apartments using gravity. It was a hardship for tenants to find water to wash their dishes and the bathroom; it was not a healthy sanitary situation. This took us all by surprise, as a prolonged power outage like this had not been experienced in Anderson Valley, in a long time.

AVHA was determined to find a solution to maintain water access and sanitation for the tenants at the Boonville Apartments next time a power outage came along. Providing a generator power option for the water pump was the simplest solution. However, because of COVID-19 and limited funds, AVHA delayed the project to focus more on urgent needs. AVHA found out about and applied for the Community Resiliency and Preparedness Fund 2021 provided by the Community Foundation of Mendocino County. AVHA was granted the funds and worked on the project to its completion.

Once again, the AVHA extends their deep gratitude to the Community Foundation of Mendocino County for providing AVHA the grant, enabling us to buy and install a generator to power the water system for the Boonville Apartment tenants during power outages.

Marco Alvarez