Affordable Housing & Housing Support in Anderson Valley

Ray's Road

Ray’s Road is located in Philo and provides housing exclusively for farm workers.

Properties: Ray’s Road

Las Viviendas on Ray's Road

Our Ray’s Road property in Philo provides affordable and well-maintained housing for 10 unaccompanied male farm workers. Residents live dormitory-style and share a kitchen, living room and separate bathhouse. The site also includes two separate two- and three-bedroom family houses, both occupied by farm worker families. Please contact the AVHA at 707-895-3525 for more information. Please note that residents of the Ray’s Road apartments must be farm workers.

The history of the Ray’s Road Apartments

AVHA’s first acquisition, made in 1987, was a group of unoccupied buildings—once a nursing home—on Ray’s Road in Philo. Grants and loans were secured to purchase the facilities, and a community effort was launched to renovate the buildings. More recently, RC Clark Construction replaced old siding at both properties with newer, more durable materials. We've also added insulation and built a trash/recycling enclosure.

With thanks: The AVHA administers the Ray’s Road housing, but the facility has been a community project throughout.

  • The acquisition and rehabilitation of the Rays Road residence was made possible through grants from the state of California for farm worker and low-income rental housing. AVHA has also received loans from the Community Development Commission of Mendocino County, and has received extensive support from Rural Community Assistance Corporation.
    Robert Clark has worked on many of AVHA's construction projects over the years, and we appreciate his making time for us. Thanks to the Bradford Foundation and to the Frederick E. and Anne R. Barstow Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation who made these improvements possible with their ongoing support.

  • Kelvin Wells, of Revolution Ozone in Philo, donated his time and many key components toward a new ozone filter system of his design to help ensure our residents have access to clean, safe water.

  • A grant from the Community Foundation of Mendocino County paid for a new water tank and installation. Thanks to the Community Foundation, Kelvin Wells, and Jeff Pugh for helping us to address this water quality issue.

  • The Ray’s Road facility enjoys a paved commercial driveway with excellent drainage thanks to improvements made in 2011 at the behest of, and with substantial help from, the County Department of Transportation. We also received generous donations that covered the entire cost of this project from: The Pratt Family Trust Fund, The Sandy Mailliard Fund, The George and Ruth Bradford Foundation, Milla Handley, Peter Booth Wiley, Brad and Linda Wiley, Lyman and Carol Casey. We’d also like to thank Linda MacElwee for her generous donation of consulting on the landscaping and erosion control.