Anderson Creek Apartments - La Casita's Deck
After purchasing the Anderson Creek Apartments mid-way through the year, we wanted to renovate La Casita’s existing deck. Some parts of the deck were not as stable as before and there were sections that were uneven. To ensure the safety of the new family that will be living in La Casita, renovating the deck was a priority.
Renovation of the deck included downsizing the enormous size of the deck and leveling off the deck on the different sections. Use of the existing structure is being done wherever possible, and use of redwood is used for longevity.
Work on the deck was done in two sections, the front deck, and the side deck. The front deck was completed first to provide an entrance for the tenants.
The side deck was the next to be completed.
The new deck brings new life for the cottage, La Casita, providing a large space to host parties, or to enjoy the gorgeous view of the creek.